progressive deathcore
Albums scraped2021-12-02T00:49:42.284Z
Last updated2021-12-05T09:45:42.555Z
Released at
10A Black Rose Burial - An Awakening of Revenants2005
73Lokyata - Purified by Anger2006-02-07
39After the Burial - Forging A Future Self2006-05-11
100Abigail Williams - Legend2006-10-03
66The Faceless - Akeldama2006-11-14
7Born of Osiris - The New Reign2007-10-02
54Veil of Maya - The Common Man's Collapse2008-04-01
86After the Burial - Rareform2008-07-22
97All Shall Perish - Awaken the Dreamers2008-09-05
26Martyr Defiled - Ecophagy2009-02-16
8Within the Ruins - Creature2009-02-20
5Born of Osiris - A Higher Place2009-07-07
99Arsonists Get All The Girls - Portals2009-07-14
82Painted in Exile - Revitalized2009-11-04
17Circle Of Contempt - Artifacts In Motion2009-11-23
59The Yellow Sign - Ancient2009
55The Argent Dawn - A Blank Eternity2010-02-22
19Veil of Maya - [id]2010-04-06
31Slice the Cake - Cleansed2010-04-12
80Whitechapel - A New Era Of Corruption2010-06-07
37Shadow of the Colossus - Shadow of The Colossus2010-06-12
34The Contortionist - Exoplanet2010-08-31
76Price of Blood - City Of Diamonds (EP)2010-09-10
53Vendetta Spoken - Schrödinger Equation2010-09-29
29After the Burial - In Dreams2010-11-23
33Martyr Defiled - Collusion2010
36He The Deceiver - The Last Breath Of Humanity2010
77State Of East London - Repugnance2011-03-05
1Born of Osiris - The Discovery2011-03-22
74Born of Osiris - Glorious Day2011-03-22
20Last Chance To Reason - Level 22011-04-12
96All Shall Perish - This Is Where It Ends2011-07-26
40Aristeia - Era Of The Omnipotent2011-08-05
21Substructure - Monolith2011-09-02
48As They Burn - Aeon's War2011-09
51Friend for a Foe - Source of Isolation2011-10-01
60Molotov Solution - Insurrection2011-10-25
61Abiotic - A Universal Plague2011-10-29
90Behold Oblivion - Witness2011
93Existence - Misanthropy2011
89Entities - Luminosity2012-01-13
16Veil of Maya - Eclipse2012-02-28
28Slice the Cake - The Man With No Face2012-03-01
45Upon a Burning Body - Red. White. Green.2012-04-10
64Chelsea Grin - Evolve2012-06-19
94The Contortionist - Intrinsic2012-07-13
98As Oceans - Enough Light To Warrant The Contrast2012-07-19
25Becoming the Archetype - I Am2012-09-18
92Kardashev - Progression2012-10-15
85The Room Colored Charlatan - Between Mirrors: The Quantum Immortality2012-12-08
24Circle Of Contempt - Entwine the Threads2012-12-11
91Iconoclast - Autonomist2012-12-21
12Aurora - Aurora2012
57Entities - Aether2013-01-01
50Lifeforms - Multidimensional2013-03-05
46Stories - Void2013-03-13
4Born of Osiris - Tomorrow We Die Alive2013-08-20
65Shadow of the Colossus - End Game2013-08-31
30Reflections - Exi(s)t2013-10-22
75Dissonance in Design - Sentient2013-11-01
72Veil of Maya - Doublespeak2013-11-11
79Shokran - Supreme Truth2014-02-22
38Assemble the Chariots - World Architects2014-03-06
78The Healing - Transcendence2014-03-31
63The Room Colored Charlatan - Primitives2014-05-20
22Chelsea Grin - Ashes To Ashes2014-07-08
71Darkness Divided - Written In Blood2014-08-19
56Veil of Maya - Matriarch2015-05-12
23Lorna Shore - Psalms2015-06-09
87Thy Art Is Murder - Light Bearer2015-06-26
9Born of Osiris - Soul Sphere2015-10-23
18Chelsea Grin - Skin Deep2015-12-11
68Gravemind - The Hateful One2015-12-26
2After the Burial - Dig Deep2016-02-19
62Jonestown - Aokigahara2016-03-31
41Entheos - The Infinite Nothing2016-04-01
27Humanity's Last Breath - Detestor2016-04-05
47Before I Turn - The Virus2016-04-09
44The Healing - Elevate2016-05-01
32Circle Of Contempt - Structures for Creation2016-07-01
35Darknet - Self-Titled2016
3Thy Art Is Murder - No Absolution2017-01
14Born of Osiris - The Eternal Reign2017-02-24
52Fit For An Autopsy - The Great Collapse2017-03-17
49Keillen Allith - Gol-Goroth the Grey2017-06-21
15Thy Art Is Murder - The Son of Misery2017-07-21
58DayBreak - Death Dreams2017-07-28
13Veil of Maya - Overthrow2017-09-13
83Veil of Maya - False Idol2017-10-20
70Loathe - THE COLD SUN2017
81Belie My Burial - Pale Beyond2017
88The Voynich Code - Aqua Vitae2017
69Nightmarer - Cacophony of Terror2018-03-23
6Chelsea Grin - Hostage2018-06-01
95Delusions of Grandeur - Apotheosis2018-06-28
67Chelsea Grin - Eternal Nightmare2018-07-13
11Born of Osiris - Silence the Echo2018-07-17
43Born of Osiris - The Simulation2019-01-11
84The Machinist - Confidimus in Morte2019-04-12
42After the Burial - Evergreen2019-04-19